Apex Legends Mobile Best Guns: A Comprehensive Guide

apex legends mobile best guns
apex legends mobile best guns

If you are an apex legends mobile best guns player, you know the importance of choosing the right weapons. A good gun can make all the difference in the game, whether you are in a firefight or just trying to survive. With so many weapons to choose from, deciding which one to use can be overwhelming. This article will guide you through the best guns to use in apex legends mobile best guns.


Apex Legends Mobile is a fast-paced battle royale game that puts players in intense combat scenarios. With a wide variety of weapons, players must strategically select the best guns to use to increase their chances of survival and victory.

But with so many options, how do you know which guns to choose? In this guide, we’ll review the top picks for the best guns in apex legends mobile best guns, how to use them effectively, and some tips and tricks for mastering them.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Guns in Apex Legends Mobile

In Apex Legends Mobile, choosing the right guns is crucial. The wrong gun can leave you vulnerable, while the right one can give you the edge to win the game. A gun, including its damage, accuracy, rate of fire, and recoil.

The Top Guns in Apex Legends Mobile

Here are the top guns to use in Apex Legends Mobile:

  1. R-99 Submachine Gun
    The R-99 Submachine Gun is one of the most popular guns in apex legends mobile best guns. It has a high rate of fire and can deal with a lot of damage in a short amount of time. It is particularly effective in close combat situations, where its fast fire rate can give you an advantage.
  2. Mastiff Shotgun
    The Mastiff Shotgun is a powerful weapon that can deal massive damage at close range. But its damage per shot makes up for it. It is particularly effective when paired with a fast-firing gun for longer-range engagements.
  3. Kraber Sniper Rifle
    The Kraber Sniper Rifle is a legendary gun that can only be found in care packages. It is one of the most powerful guns in the game, capable of killing enemies in one shot. It has a slow rate of fire and a long reload time, but its damage is unmatched.
  4. R-301 Carbine
    The R-301 Carbine is a versatile gun effective at short and long ranges. Low recoil, making it easy to use. It is particularly effective when paired with a sniper rifle for long-range engagements.
  5. Wingman Pistol
    The Wingman Pistol is a powerful handgun that can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. It is particularly effective at close range. It is also easy to use, making it a popular choice among players.

Tips for Choosing the Right Guns in Apex Legends Mobile

Here are some tips to help you choose the right guns in Apex Legends Mobile:

Consider your playstyle. If you prefer close combat, choose a gun with a high rate of fire. If you prefer long-range engagements, choose a sniper rifle.
Pay attention to the gun’s stats. Look at the gun’s damage, accuracy, rate of fire, and recoil to determine whether it is a good fit for your playstyle.
Don’t be afraid to switch guns. If your current gun isn’t effective, don’t hesitate to switch to a different gun.apex legends mobile best guns.

Apex legends mobile best guns

As avid Apex Legends Mobile players, we understand the importance of having the best guns in your arsenal. A high-pressure battle. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to the top apex legends mobile best guns that will help you dominate the battlefield and outplay your opponents.

Assault Rifles

When it comes to mid-range combat, assault rifles are a popular choice. The R-301 is a versatile weapon that can be used in various situations. It has low recoil and high accuracy, making it an ideal choice for new and experienced players. Another great option is the Hemlock, which can deal great damage in single-fire mode and is a reliable choice for medium-range engagements.apex legends mobile best guns.

Submachine Guns

If you prefer close-range combat, submachine guns are the way to go. The R-99 is a popular choice due to its high rate of fire and low recoil. It can quickly shred through enemy armor and is a favorite among experienced players. Alternatively, the Alternator is a great option for new players due to its ease of use and low recoil.apex legends mobile best guns.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper rifles are perfect for long-range engagements and can deal massive damage. The Kraber is the ultimate sniper rifle and can instantly take out enemies with a single headshot. However, it’s a rare weapon found only in care packages. The Longbow DMR is a more accessible option with high accuracy and damage.apex legends mobile best guns.


Shotguns are excellent for close-range combat and can deal massive damage. The Mastiff is the most powerful shotgun and can kill enemies in a single shot. However, it’s also a rare weapon found only in care packages. The EVA-8 Auto is a more common option with a high fire rate and is great for taking out multiple enemies at once.


Pistols are a backup option when you run out of ammo or must finish off an enemy quickly. The RE-45 is a reliable choice due to its high rate of fire and ease of use. The P2020 is another option to deal great damage with the right attachments.apex legends mobile best guns.

Apex Legends Mobile guns damage

I can provide information about the damage values of guns in Apex Legends Mobile.

The damage values for guns in apex legends mobile best guns vary depending on the type of gun and the specific attachments used. Generally, assault rifles and submachine guns have lower damage per shot but higher rates of fire, while sniper rifles and shotguns have greater damage per shot but lower rates of fire.

apex legends mobile best guns

Here are some examples of damage values for guns in Apex Legends Mobile:

R-99: This submachine gun deals 11 damage per shot, with a rate of fire of 1080 rounds per minute.

R-301: This assault rifle deals 14 damage per shot, with a rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute.

Kraber: This sniper rifle deals a massive 435 damage per shot but has a very slow rate of fire due to its bolt-action mechanism.

Mastiff: This shotgun deals up to 144 damage per shot at close range, but its damage drops significantly at longer ranges.apex legends mobile best guns.

It’s important to note that these damage values may be subject to change as the game is updated and balanced over time.

Apex legends mobile gun list

Certainly, I can provide a list of guns available in Apex Legends Mobile:

Assault Rifles:

Hemlock Burst AR
VK-47 Flatline
Submachine Guns:

Alternator SMG
Prowler Burst PDW
Light Machine Guns:

M600 Spitfire
Sniper Rifles:

G7 Scout
Triple Take
Longbow DMR

EVA-8 Auto
Mozambique Shotgun

RE-45 Auto
Each gun has strengths and weaknesses and is better suited for different play styles and situations. It’s important to experiment with different guns and find the best ones.apex legends mobile best guns.


Choosing the right guns in Apex Legends Mobile is crucial for success in the game. The R-99 Submachine Gun, Mastiff Shotgun, Kraber Sniper Rifle, R-301 Carbine, and Wingman Pistol are among the best guns to use in the game. Consider your playstyle and the gun’s stats when choosing the right one.

Having the right gun in your loadout can make a huge difference in apex legends mobile best guns. Whether you prefer assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns, or pistols, there is a weapon that will suit your playstyle. Experiment with different guns to find the ones that work best for you, and feel free to switch things up depending on the situation.


What is the most powerful gun in Apex Legends Mobile?

The Kraber Sniper Rifle is the most powerful gun in Apex Legends Mobile.

What is the best gun for close combat?

When it comes to close combat, choosing the right firearm can make all the difference. The best gun for close combat is reliable, easy to handle, and accurate. Generally, a handgun or a shotgun would be more appropriate than a rifle. Handguns, particularly those with a shorter barrel, can be maneuvered more easily in tight spaces and fired with one hand if necessary.

On the other hand, shotguns have a wider spread of pellets, making it easier to hit a target in close proximity. Ultimately, the best gun for close combat depends on the individual’s training, experience, and preference. However, it is crucial to remember that owning a firearm comes with great responsibility, and it is important to receive proper training and education before using one in any situation.

Apex Legends mobile weapon tier list Reddit

In Apex Legends Mobile, the weapon tier list is constantly changing due to updates and changes made by the game’s developers. The tier list is typically determined by the weapon’s effectiveness, versatility, and ease of use. Generally, weapons that are considered top-tier include the R-99 submachine gun, the Wingman pistol, and the Kraber sniper rifle.apex legends mobile best guns.

Other frequently mentioned weapons in tier lists include the Volt submachine gun, the Mastiff shotgun, and the Spitfire light machine gun. Playstyle and preference can greatly affect which weapons are considered the “best.”

Ultimately, it’s up to the player to experiment with different weapons and find the ones that work best for them. It’s also important to remember that practice and skill with a particular weapon can significantly affect its effectiveness, regardless of its tier ranking.apex legends mobile best guns.

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