Patch Notes League of Legends: What’s New in the Latest Update?

patch notes League of Legends
patch notes League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is one of the world’s most popular online multiplayer games, with millions of players from different parts of the globe. With its constantly evolving gameplay and ever-changing meta, patch notes League of Legends is a game that requires players to stay updated on the latest changes and updates. It is by reading the patch notes detailing the latest changes and updates to the game. The patch notes for League of Legends discuss what’s new in the latest update.


League of Legends is one of the most popular and competitive games, played by millions of gamers globally. To ensure that the game remains fair, balanced, and enjoyable, the developers at Riot Games release regular updates in the form of Patch Notes. These updates introduce new champions, skins, items, gameplay mechanics, balance changes, bug fixes, and other features to the game. This article covers the latest Patch Notes League of Legends, including all the changes, improvements, and additions you need to know.

Understanding the Patch Notes

Before diving into the specifics of the latest patch notes, let’s take a moment to understand what they are and why they are essential. Patch notes are detailed summaries of the changes and updates made to a game, often including information about new features, balance changes, bug fixes, and more. In the case of League of Legends, the patch notes are released by Riot Games, the game’s developer, and are typically posted on the official patch notes League of Legends website.

The Latest Patch Notes

The latest patch for League of Legends is Patch 11.7, released on March 31, 2023. Let’s look at some of this patch’s critical changes and updates.

Champion Updates

One of the most significant changes in Patch 11.7 is the update to several champions in the game. Some advocates have received buffs, which make them stronger and more viable in gameplay, while others have received nerfs, which make them weaker. Some of the champions that have been updated in this patch include:


Darius is a melee fighter champion known for his excellent damage output and tackiness. In Patch 11.7, Darius has received a slight nerf to his ultimate ability, Noxian Guillotine, which deals less damage at early levels.


Jinx is a marksman champion known for her excellent damage output and mobility. In Patch 11.7, Jinx has received a slight buff to her passive ability, Get Excited!, which increases her movement and attack speed after killing an enemy.


Ryze is a mage champion known for his high burst damage and mobility. In Patch 11.7, Ryze has received a slight buff to his Q ability, Overload, which deals more damage and has a slightly longer range.

patch notes League of Legends

Item Changes

In addition to champion updates, Patch 11.7 also includes several changes to items in the game. Some things have been buffed, making them more powerful, while others have been nerfed, weakening them. Some of the things that have been updated in this patch include the following:


Goredrinker is a legendary item that is popular among melee champions. In Patch 11.7, Goredrinker has received a slight nerf to its active ability, which heals the user for a percentage of their missing health.

Serpent’s Fang

Serpent’s Fang is a legendary item designed to counter enemy shields. In Patch 11.7, Serpent’s Fang has received a slight buff to its stats, making it more effective at breaking enemy shields.patch notes League of Legends.

Bug Fixes

Finally, Patch 11.7 includes several bug fixes that address issues with the game. These bug fixes are designed to improve players’ overall gameplay experience and ensure that the game runs smoothly. Some of the bug fixes that have been made in this patch include the following:

New Champions and Skins:

The latest Patch Notes League of Legends bring new champions and skins to the game, including:

Gwen, The Hallowed Seamstress, a new top lane champion with a unique kit that revolves around her abilities and passive.
Pool Party Skins for champions like Heimerdinger, Syndra, Sett, and more.
Battle Academia Skins for winners like Leona, Caitlyn, and Garen.
Gameplay Mechanics Changes:

The Patch Notes patch notes League of Legends also introduces several gameplay mechanics that affect how you play the game. These changes include:

Item Changes:

Hullbreaker: This item now grants bonus resistance against turrets and increased siege damage.
Chemtech Purifier: This item’s stats have been adjusted to make it more balanced.
Summoner Spells Changes:patch notes League of Legends.

Teleport: The channel time for teleport has been increased to 4.5 seconds, up from 4 seconds.
Jungle Changes:

The jungle experience has been adjusted to reduce the gap between the jungle and learners regarding level and gold.
Balance Changes:

The Patch Notes patch notes League of Legends also brings several balance changes to champions, runes, and items.

patch notes League of Legends

Champion Changes:

Gwen: Her passive’s scaling and bonus AD ratios have been reduced.
Katarina: Her Q damage has been increased, while her W and E base damages have been reduced.
Lucian: His Q base damage has been reduced, while his W and R scaling has been increased.
Runes Changes:

Celerity: This rune now grants adaptive force based on bonus movement speed rather than bonus AD or AP.
Conqueror: This rune now stacks on ability hits rather than basic attacks and has a reduced maximum stacks count.
Item Changes:

Sunfire Aegis: This item’s base damage has been reduced, while its mythic passive has been buffed.
Divine Sunderer: This item’s healing now scales with bonus AD, and its mythic passive has been buffed.
Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Improvements:

The Patch Notes patch notes League of Legends also includes several bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements that make the game more enjoyable. These improvements include:patch notes League of Legends.

They fixed a bug where some champions would not cast their ultimate when using a quick cast.
We have improved the clarity of some champion ability tooltips to make them more understandable.
I reduced the duration of some champion animations.

Patch Notes League of Legends: The Ultimate Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the latest patch notes for patch notes League of Legends. As avid gamers, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest changes to the game. In this guide, we will be breaking down the newest patch notes for League of Legends, providing detailed explanations on how these changes will affect your gameplay, and sharing our expert tips on how to get the most out of these updates.

Champion Changes

Several champions have received significant updates in the latest patch, including reworks to their abilities, stats, and gameplay mechanics. One of the most notable changes is the update to Akali’s Twilight Shroud ability, which now has a longer cooldown, but a larger area of effect. This change will require players to adjust their playstyle when using Akali, and we recommend practicing in regular games before jumping into ranked.

In addition to Akali, there have been updates to several other champions, including Amumu, Caitlyn, and Karma. These updates range from minor changes to stats and abilities to complete reworks of their kits. To better understand how these changes will affect your gameplay, we recommend reading our detailed breakdown of the patch notes on our website.

Item Updates

Along with champion changes, there have been updates to several items in the game. One of the most significant changes is the update to the Zeal item, which now provides critical strike chance and attack speed. This change will substantially impact champions who rely on critical strikes, such as Yasuo and Tryndamere. Additionally, several items have adjusted their stats, including Thornmail, which now provides more armor and grievous wounds.patch notes League of Legends.

Jungle Changes

For jungle mains, the latest patch has brought several changes to the jungle camps and the way experience is gained. One of the most significant changes is the increase in experience gained from killing large monsters, which will allow junglers to hit level six more quickly. However, this increase in experience comes at a cost, as the respawn time for some camps has been increased.patch notes League of Legends.

Map Changes

Finally, there have been several changes to the map itself, including updates to the terrain and layout. One of the most significant changes is the update to the Baron pit, which now features a circular arena and several new areas to fight in. Additionally, the Rift Herald has been updated to provide a more significant advantage when summoned, making it a more viable objective to take early on in the game.

Expert Tips

We’ve put together some expert tips on adjusting your gameplay to help you get the most out of the latest patch:
Take the time to read through the patch notes and familiarize yourself with the changes.
Practice in regular games before jumping into ranked, as it can take some time to adjust to the changes.
Communicate with your team and adapt your playstyle accordingly.
Remember, adapting to the ever-changing gameplay is the key to success in patch notes League of Legends.

patch notes League of Legends


In conclusion, the latest patch for patch notes League of Legends has brought significant changes to the game, including updates to champions, items, the jungle, and the map itself. We recommend reading through the patch notes and practicing in regular games before jumping into ranked to get the most out of these changes. By doing so, you’ll be well-equipped to take on the competition and climb the ranks.

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